Photography has evolved over the last decades.
Film photography was the norm in the 19th and 20th Century and then in the 1970's digital photography was invented.
Pixel based photography, as classified then, had a digital image output containing thousands of tiny pixels that together produced a photographic image processed by a image based sensor. As the technology expanded the image sensors became more capable of processing and producing higher quality images with many more pixels.
However the fundamentals of photography has never changed, that is the professional photographer being highly creative and knowledgable in all aspects of the technical area of photography, especially when doing this commercially and in extreme lighting conditions.
Artistic Photography and Artistic Photo Imaging started using digital cameras in the very early period when digital cameras were first introduced commercially and when digital cameras only had a limited pixel resolution range. Digital photography was used together with film cameras back then, as the quality was limited, with film producing more desirable results.
Today, Artistic Photography mainly photographs projects digitally using highend digital cameras capable of producing billboard size artwork. The digital images produced by digital cameras now have amazingly high image resolutions that produce high quality digital prints and images.
Artistic Photography also uses the very latest in digital imaging software when finishing photographic artwork or commercial images for clients. Technology has also evolved in digital imaging software and Artistic Photography always upgrades to the very latest versions to it's digital studio.
Black & White photography, when using digital photography can be acheived in several ways. Professional Black and White photography can be acheived through direct settings within the digital camera, this is if you use a high end digial SLR Camera, Medium Format or Large Format Camera. The other option is to photograph first using the default colour setting within the digital camera and then converting the colour image to a black and white (greyscale) image.
Artistic Photography through many years of experience has perfected the best methods when photographing and producing a black and white image digitally. Producing true to accurate stunning black & white artwork, with perfect tonal, contrast and light ranges or any black & white photographic effect required.
Artistic Photography also uses the latest in print technology. Producing museum and art gallery ready artwork on print with a range of professional paper and canvas media being used in print production.
Award winning professional photographer with over 16 Awards for photography.
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